Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jurassic Penguin

Jurassic Penguin

we originally started with chris on drums and a kid called emmanuel on vocals who was 13 at the time, we had been around for a month or 2 when we found out he was to be sent to a boys home, so we recorded our first super shitty demo with 6 songs on it, 3 of which had his vocals on it.
when emmanuel was taken away, chris moved on to vocals and mikey dw played drums for us for a while until other commitments led him elsewhere.
we finally have got razzlefinn on drums and are really happy as a band, and now we are 5 best mates creating music we love and having good times.

we are pissed off and have seen a lot of harsh things growing up where we do and this is how we release those things we have seen or felt.

JP @ Void, Hamilton

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