Hi to all who visited, you are very welcome here. This is The Murder House (like what I used to call the dentist when I was a small youth).
I am setting up this blog so I can share my and some of my friends recorded music. Most of which will be side projects in which I love. No matter how good or how crap they are I love to share musical projects with friends, family and those interested in this quirky little hobby.
It mainly started on myspace where I would put up some projects and share them with friends who were doing the same, a big mention to Bloodnut for much inspiration, then started a lil internet Record label TOOTHLESS RECORDS (yes all in caps). www.myspace.com/brokka.
So this blog will contain some files to download, updates (hopefully more regular than I wish), links, other blogs, interesting projects I've come across over the years of my internet surfing and any other crap that I want to share. It is also about all those other tracks that I can't put up on myspace because of the 6 song limit and the one off aongs I've done that I've been too lazy to make a myspace page for. Some of these are The Magical Misty Mountain Youth Group, Brentosauraus, DJ Yerik, DJ Stuck on the bus and more.
If you stumble across this blog you are more than welcome to ask me any questions about any of the bands, projects, groups or whatever. Also if you have a project you want to share I sure can link it if I think it's up to my standard of Side Project quality (which surely you'll come to realise aint that high). But D.I.Y till you die.
I know that some links may be dead so email me and we'll get it for you :).
So enjoy the upcoming blogs.
If you can't wait for a download try clicking some of my links posted in this post. Aboove is the TOOTHLESS RECORDS link. Also check out Grindclops.
The 267 Ruthless Clan
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